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Features and Benefits

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POC rewards

Proof Of Stake

Banking the unbanked

Switch to stablecoin to avoid volitility at uncertain times

Switch to fiat and withdraw from any ATM using our card

Crypto education with tutorials and training materials

Coin profit in wallets distribution vote system to distribute the money in the fairest way possible. Potentially incorporating using AI 

Proof of Completion

Helping people in underdeveloped areas achieve a better future

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> 2.5 billion of the worlds population are currently unbanked

Agarthea can provide them with financial services. This can boost economic growth in certain demographic areas.


Rewards for holders - staking will be available, burn incoparated aswell as buy backs - all will be shown with full transparency at all times on


Complete your course you get rewarded in AGA - this incentivises people to use Agarthea for learning.


Users of Agarthea will be rewarded for activities they complete. Activities are including but not limited to:

Inviting friends, watch or download material (video, audiobook, e-books, journals, etc), Applying for activities (games, match and tournaments, become a team leader/captain/coach on extracurricular activities, create public events, etc), submitting feedback or suggestions, applying and completing for other programs (certification, training, seminar, workshops, etc).


For each activity a user completes successfully, an amount of Agartheum will be allocated.

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